Alexander Barbers Headquarters, Alexander Barbers HQ, Hammersmith Barbers, Barbers W6

Stavros Christoudolakis, barber at Alexander Barbers HQ, offers us his Spring Style Tips.

‘The fashion for Hipster beards is over – it’s yesterday’s style. Guys will be opting for shorter beards and stubble to get that rugged look. The trend this Spring will be short back and sides, traditional number 1 and 2 crops. Side partings are going to stay around during 2016. We will see more classic cuts with lots of texture and very close tapering around the edges. Wet shaves are definitely back on the menu.

‘Try the Crop & Suit’

‘For those guys with the right shaped head and face who go for the all-over crop, they should complement that chiselled look with sharp tailored clothing. Choose well defined suits with crisp, clean lines. Although strong colours are in this year you can’t beat a light grey, it’s perfect for every occasion.

‘Don’t follow the herd!’

‘Find out what works best for you. Don’t feel the need to follow the herd – don’t be a sheep. Keep an eye on what’s in and out, but have your own style. It’s just as important to feel comfortable with what you wear. After all, it’s all very well looking great, but if the style leaves you feeling awkward, then it isn’t right. It’s about your overall image.

‘Hang loose!’

‘Meanwhile, this year will see the arrival of a new casual look – trousers just got wider. Skinny jeans are out – loose trousers are back in. Wide trousers will after all, fit just about anyone!

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